Ogawa means WATER in Japanese. It’s almost as if Narumi Ogawa was destined to use that as her medium to heal the world.

About Narumi Ogawa

Through years of training and experience, Narumi Ogawa has developed an intuitive and effective approach to healing. Her methods allow her clients to connect with their bodies, understand their ailments, and enact positive changes. Narumi often speaks about her deep connection to water, which even applies to her very name (Ogawa is Japanese for small river or brook). Aside from her name, however, Narumi has always felt that her energy mimicked that of water. Her approach to her work is based on the principle of intuition - going with the flow as the needs of her clients are revealed to her. Much of her practice is focused on the lymphatic system (the internal system that uses fluid to rid the body of toxins). Because her own energy resembles that of water, she feels very tuned into this fluid energy and able to manipulate it for the benefit of her clients. Her overall goal is to create a sense of flow, within bodies and therefore within the world around them. 

Narumi was born to be a healer. Her family often shares a story of her grandpa laying in bed, sick, and Narumi, at 2-years-old, constantly coming into check on him. On an intrinsic level, Narumi cares about people’s health and well-being. While she’s done many different types of work in her life, this is the most fulfilling. In fact, the first time she did energy healing she felt as if she had done it before. In this past, learning new skills filled her with nerves and anxiety. Healing, however, came naturally to her. 

Narumi’s journey, however, was not always an easy one. Growing up, Narumi suffered from depression and anxiety. At 20-years-old, unable to find a solution, Narumi decided to leave her family in Japan and move to America, where she would soon be introduced to an energy healer. As she began to work with the healer and engage in the practice of pranic healing, she found that she had the capacity to generate happiness from within herself, rather than seeking it in external, transitory sources. She discovered a new identity, one that she had control over, and one that gave her an immense sense of power and purpose. While she resented the negative experiences she faced throughout her life, she now feels that they were a vehicle to get her to the place she is today. In Japanese, Narumi means “becoming beautiful,” which symbolizes her long journey towards blossoming into the strong and determined person she is today. 

Once she discovered the power of pranic healing, Narumi felt it was her life’s purpose to help other people discover it as well. Pranic healing, similar to Reiki, helps cleanse your chakra system and energy field. Narumi compares the practice to treating a cut or wound. Before you can heal, you have to clean the cut. Narumi says 98% of the negative feelings you carry with you are not actually stemming from your own life. Instead, they are being carried over from the trauma of your parents, ancestors, social media, and other factors. With her clients, she helps cleanse out that negative energy. 

Narumi likes to say that “the best teachers are the best students.” As her practice has developed, expanded, and grown, she’s learned new skills and methods. She has a deep-seated desire and motivation to continue to learn, and is therefore always seeking out new ways to help her clients. She wants her clients to understand that they have the innate intelligence of healing power. Instead of focusing on the egocentric idea of herself as a healer, she wants people to know that they have the power within themselves to heal. She hopes to create a safe space in which her clients can release anything that is not serving them on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level. As human beings, we unconsciously carry other people’s negative energies with us. Narumi wants her clients to learn how to insert conscious thinking into the subconscious state and shift their energy towards a more positive spectrum. 

So how does Narumi’s practice differ from other healers’? Rather than promising a “quick fix,” Narumi really wants people to tune into their bodies, connect the dots between their personal trauma and physical ailments, and find solutions from within. For example, a client came in complaining of swollen lymph nodes. She says it’s a chronic issue that she’s been suffering from for a while. She insists it’s purely physical, but Narumi suspects it could be the result of an emotional imbalance - perhaps unconfronted/uncommunicated anger. As this anger builds up, it manifests in her physical being, causing her lymph nodes to become congested, swollen, and inflamed. Through her healing practices, Narumi is able to reconcile these emotional issues and as a result heal the body. 

Narumi wants her clients to communicate with their bodies, rather than turning to quick fixes, like pain killers. Her goal is to make all of her clients feel sexy and confident from within, which stems from being connected to and appreciating your physical being. Narumi welcomes people who have no prior knowledge regarding energy work. She believes that there are no coincidences in this world. Therefore, when a client finds her, some greater forces guided that introduction. As a healer, she wants to introduce her clients to the law of attraction, synchronicity, energy work. She wants to teach her clients so that they can understand their bodies and take the lessons of healing into their everyday lives.

Narumi believes that most people run into trouble when they attempt to solve their current, physical issues from the same emotional state in which the issue was originally created. As Albert Einstein famously said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” In this context, insanity is trying to solve the physical issue, without solving the emotional one first.  

In her practice, Narumi typically comes across two broad groups of clients. The first is those who aren’t really concerned with energy healing, but come to her for the surface-level physical benefits, such as a slimmer physique and glowing skin. The other group comes to her with similar issues, such as swollen legs, gut bloat, autoimmune disease, thyroid issues, MS, Hashimoto, Lyme disease, leaky gut, or constipation. Through healing, she helps them address these internal problems.  

Throughout the years, Narumi has taken various courses in order to become certified in a myriad of practices. She is a certified massage therapist, bodyworker, breathwork facilitator, and advanced pranic healer. She has spent over 1,200 hours learning each modality, as well as countless hours in personal development programs and workshops. Narumi draws on many methods in order to address a wide spectrum of ailments. She practices breathwork, pranic healing, chakra alignment, lymphatic drainage, body contouring, swedish massage, pressure point work, and craniosacral therapy. Furthermore, she has a wide array of non-invasive tools that she uses throughout her practice, including tuning forks for the nervous system, guasha for tension in the face, and wooden tools for body redefinition. Since Narumi operates based on intuition, each session is completely different. 

Because of this intuitive approach, Narumi treats each client as a unique puzzle that requires unique solutions. In general, she recommends her clients see her at least once a month. If she sees a need for it, she will offer packages for multiple sessions in order to ensure her work is consistent and effective. Once they arrive, Narumi asks her clients to relax. She believes it is supremely important for clients to tap into the parasympathetic nervous system (AKA the rest and digest system). When we experience a “fight or flight” response, our bodies feel the need to fight, hide, or run. There is no remaining energy for intuitive and intelligent healing. In order for healing to occur, energy has to become available. During their sessions, Narumi’s clients rediscover the beautiful state of tranquility.